
Comprehension 10 Pack-Increasing Critical Thinking Skills

The course consists of exercises that are aligned with Common Core learning objectives for English Language Arts for learners between grades 7-12. The program aims to benefit learners in the following ways:
• Increased understanding of the laws of society
• Improved self-confidence
• Better scores on testing for employment and school entry
• Learning to make decisions not based on emotional state.
• Lower rates of repeating the same offense
• Decreased incarceration costs for local communities and the states.
• Increased participation in other educational programs offered.
• Developing transferable learning skills
• Learning the proper protocols for creating and evaluating a variety of media content
• Increased self-confidence in academic abilities
• Creating enjoyable learning experiences
• Fusing assigned curriculums with developing skills necessary for real world success
• Developing comprehension/critical thinking skills
• Benefits the learners in the classrooms and in the real world.
• Critical thinking helps learners make better decisions when dealing with real life issues.
The program allows people to work at their own pace and offers them the opportunity to earn certificates upon completion.

  • Course Curriculum.pdf
  • Frequently Asked Questions.pdf
  • how to take notes.docx
  • Section 1Increasing Vocabulary Goals Developing reading skills and work habits
  • 1
  • English Language Arts Tips
  • How to Use
  • Increasing Vocabulary#1 sign up
  • Assignment #2 Best ways to complete online course
  • Assignment #3 What is recidivism?
  • Section 2 Reading for enjoyment Goals Increase desire to read independently
  • Assignment #1 5 topics that interest you
  • Assignment #2 Research your topic
  • Assignments #3 and 4 The Art of Note Taking
  • Assignment #5 Creating Your vocabulary List
  • Section 2 Review
  • SectionSection 3 Reading for work and school Goals Learning to decipher text
  • Assignment #1 Improving reading skills
  • Assignment #2 “ 4 steps to Reading a Textbook effectively”
  • Assignment #3 Job ads vocabulary
  • Assignment #4 Understanding job postings
  • Assignments #5,6 and 7 Taking notes for success
  • Why just getting a high school diploma is not enough
  • Section 4 Personal writing Goals Learning proper formats for writing.
  • 4 & 5
  • Elaboration to make your writing better
  • Assignment #1 How to create a 5 paragraph essay
  • Assignment #2 Learning to Elaborate
  • Assignment #3, 4, and 5 Putting your skills together
  • Assignment #6 Finding the main idea
  • Essay #1 Answering the "Why you should pick me" question
  • SectioSection 5 Work Writing Goals Creating effective messages
  • Intro Sections 4 &5
  • Assignment #1 Employee Vetting
  • Assignment #2 Matching your skills to careers
  • Section 6 Different Mediums Goals Learning what the media is and its
  • 6
  • Assignment #1 What is Media Literacy
  • Assignment #2 Media Literacy vocabulary
  • Assignment #3 What is Media Literacy?
  • Assignment #4“Social Media Do’s and Don’ts”
  • Section 7 Analyzing Content Compare and contrast
  • 7
  • Assignment #1 Compare and contrast
  • Assignment #2 Understanding biased content
  • Assignment #3 Citing sources of information
  • Great marijuana debate- Pro and Con
  • Section 8 Higher order thinking Goals Understanding abstract concepts
  • Assignment #1 Higher Order Thinking vocabulary
  • Assignments #2 and 3 Learning Propaganda & Rhetoric
  • Assignment #4 Advertising to youth vocabulary
  • Assignment #5 Advertising and Youth
  • #5 Marketing to kids
  • Every Bias explained
  • Section 9 Free Style Synthesize/ Mini Research Project
  • 9
  • Assignment #1 How to develop your thesis Pt 1 Vocabulary
  • Assignments #2 and 3 Part2
  • Assignments #4 and 5 Part 3
  • Assignment #6 Your Thesis' Vocabulary
  • Assignment #7 Your thesis
  • Assignment #8 You are now the teacher
  • Perfect Vision 20/20 asks the question...
  • Perfect Vision 20/20 - "Rites of Passage" in Community Building
  • Perfect Vision 20/20-"finding the sweet spot"
  • Section 10 No Stress Test Goals Learning “Best Practices” for test taking
  • Assignment #1 Effective Study Habits vocabulary
  • Assignment #2 Study Skills checklist
  • Assignment #3 Self Assessment ' Do You?" list
  • Section 11 Make it make MONEY/SENSE
  • Foundation skills Self -appraisal
  • Where will you be in 5 years interview question
  • unit_1716204506
  • Bonus material " Best ways to solve conflicts"
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed